Patient Participation Group

The Aims of the Patient Participation Group

Our Patient Participation Group (PPG) was set up in December 2011 to enable our patients to help facilitate the shaping and developing of services both in the practice and the community we serve.

If you would like to email the group with any constructive suggestions, comments and/or feedback – be it positive or negative – then you can email them in confidence (the practice does not have access to this email account) at: You can also enquire about how to become a member of the group and as to what this will entail, if you are interested in becoming involved.


When & How Often Does The Group Meet?

The group has previously been meeting once per quarter at the practice, but we are currently looking to increase the frequency of these meetings as the group and its activities continue to grow and prosper. Each meeting is scheduled for the 3rd Thursday 20th of the month, 7.00 p.m. at the Surgery – please message the surgeryemail account ( if you are interested in attending.

How Do I Get Involved?

If you are interested in joining the group then please message the surgery email account ( for more information, or you can pass on your details at reception and we will ensure these are forwarded to Caroline and/or Anne.