The Hive's Patient Questionnaire Form

Last Updated: 06/03/2024


The information that we are seeking on this form is to help us offer you the best advice and treatment that we can. Please tell us as much as you can and return this form to the surgery together with the registration form and Identification. By completing the registration form you are agreeing to our practice charter and we hope that you are happy with the service you receive at the practice. The practice appreciates feedback both positive and negative as we use it as a tool to learn from therefore if you have any feedback please fill out a feedback form.






Many thanks for taking the time to complete the questionnaire

Sharing Data

New secure technology means that doctors, nurses and social care practitioners in Heywood, Middleton and Rochdale will be able to see a patients’ full health records, giving them a better overall picture of their health.

Up to now, hospital doctors and nurses, or practitioners in social care, had to rely on the briefest of health records or the memories and accounts of patients when making important treatment decisions, sometimes in life or death situations.

A new project called ‘Share for You’ is being implemented across all health and social care agencies in the Rochdale borough which allows the full records to be securely shared from the GP surgery to the hospital or clinic setting systems, once the patient has granted their permission.

When a patient’s records are requested, it collects the information from the different system and shows the information to the requester. None of the information it collects is stored and none of it can be changed. Because it collects the information only when it is needed, the information is always accurate and as up to date as possible.

Before any information is collected or displayed to a care professional, patient consent must be provided. Patient consent is recorded on the system in an audit trail so that it is accessed only on a need to know basis and no information is stored or saved within any other setting.

Local GP Dr Venkatesh Mallya from Littleborough Group Practice has been involved in devising the new innovation locally; “This technology has the potential to save lives, reduce harm and improve health. By allowing doctors and nurses who are treating patients in hospitals or clinics to view their medical records in full, we are giving them a fuller picture of the patients’ background and history, thus helping their treatment decisions. In order to protect this information there are strict codes of confidentiality meaning that only when a patient has consented to sharing, can the clinician or practitioner view the records.”

Information about Share for You is being shared in health and social care settings including GP practices, hospitals and clinics. More information is available at;


Patient Charter

As a team we have set out a series of standards for our provision of healthcare which we feel will enable us to provide our patients and stakeholders with the best possible service by suitably qualified people. In the interest of your health, it is important for you to understand all the information given to you. Please ask questions if you are unsure of anything.


Our Commitment to You

To provide you and your family with the best possible care the practice, we aim to adhere to the following conditions:

·        We aim to provide a personal, friendly and confidential service to our patients.

·        We will treat you with courtesy and respect at all times irrespective of your age, sex, race, religion, sexuality or the nature of your problem.

·        We aim to support patients in leading a healthier lifestyle and provide information so that an informed choice may be made.

·        We will monitor and improve our systems to ensure we operate as efficiently as possible within the resources available to us.

·        We earn the trust placed in us by insisting on quality and striving to get the basics of quality of care – safety, effectiveness and patient experience – right every time. We encourage and welcome feedback from patients, families, carers, staff and the public. We use this to improve the care we provide and build on our successes.

·        In the unfortunate event that you are not happy with our services. Your complaints will be investigated thoroughly and promptly as per NHS complaints procedure. We endeavour to resolve complaints verbally but where a complaint requires investigation we will write to you with the outcome.

·        Your records, both written and computerised, will be kept secure and confidential at all times, in line with data protection guidelines, and NHS confidentiality policy













Your Commitment to Us

·        To help us provide you and your family with the best possible care, we ask that you adhere to the following conditions:

·        Be prepared to advise the Receptionist what your problem is – the Doctors insist upon this, so that they can prepare for the consultation and ensure that the time available is used most effectively to provide the best care for you.

·        Report to receptionist on arrival , Keep appointments made with us or You will notify us as soon as possible if they are unable to keep an appointment as this allows other patients to be seen and keeps waiting times down.

·        Bear with us if there is a delay – this may be due to another patient needing additional time or an emergency. We will try and keep you informed of anticipated delays.

·        Please provide accurate information about your health, condition and status. Keep us informed of any name. Address and telephone number changes.

·        Use other avenues of help – pharmacy, NHS Direct etc where appropriate.

You will respect that we are working very hard to provide the best service we can for all our patients, and any violent, aggressive or abusive behaviour may lead to being removed from the practice list, and/or police involvement.

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